Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your God prays for you.

My first week of classes was surreal.  I felt like I was at camp and I'd get to go home at the end of the week.

God was ridiculously gracious to me last week.  He showed me glimpses of His mercy and compassion and love for me on an hourly basis.  We serve a phenomenal God.  I cannot begin to fathom the love He feels for me.  

"I have prayed for thee."  - Luke 22:32

I can't get over the encouragement that is brought by this verse.  Our Redeemer.  Our Abba Father.  He prays for us.  He intercedes on our behalf.  Jesus doesn't say, "I have desired to pray for you."  Nope, He says, "I have prayed for you: I have done it already; I have gone to court and entered a counterplea even before an accusation is made."  Oh Jesus, what a comfort it is that you have pleaded our cause against our unseen enemies countermined their mines, and unmasked their ambushes.  This is a call for celebration.  A matter for joy, gratitude, hope and confidence.  

Also, I met a really cool girl today(Hannah) with a church called Vintage Faith.  So hipster right?  Well, I'll check it out this week.  And of course, you'll hear what I think of it.  I'm super stoked.  I feel like it'll be good, and I feel like it'll give me lots to think about.

God is good.  And He prays for you.


  1. Love it. And you. You can probably expect a comment from me on just about every post. sorry if it gets annoying. ha! love you. thanks for this encouraging piece. so glad things are well!!!!

  2. Ha. That's awesome, Ruthi. Vintage Faith is from Great Commission Churches...the association our church is with. You'll (hopefully) love Rick Whitney. And his church.
